Audition for the Richard Bonynge Ensemble
The Richard Bonynge Ensemble is a unique professional development opportunity established by Penrith Con to support outstanding emerging chamber musicians in Western Sydney.
The Ensemble rehearses weekly on Wednesdays from 6pm-8pm. RBE performers participate in workshops and mentorship and collaboration opportunities with professional chamber ensembles, as well as a number of paid performance opportunities throughout the year.
Membership of Richard Bonynge Ensemble is either by audition or direct invitation.
Auditions for RBE are open throughout the year.
Applicants must be between 17 and 25 years of age.
Performance standard of AMEB Grade 8 or above.
Auditions are open to the following instrument families: woodwinds, brass, mallet percussion, strings (including harp).
Audition fee: $25.00
Annual fee: $300.00 (for successful applicants)
Audition Applications
Please complete the form below and we will contact you with your audition details.