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2025 Music Scholarship Recipients Announced!

Penrith Conservatorium of Music has enriched the lives of the local community for over 30 years through its passion for excellence in music education and performance. Penrith Con has an ongoing commitment to developing and nurturing local talent through scholarships which are offered through an application and competitive audition process. These scholarships recognise talent and future potential and offer pathways for people to pursue a professional career in music.

Today we proudly announce the 2025 music scholarship recipients. These outstanding young musicians will benefit from in-kind tuition with Penrith Conservatorium tutors, and receive performance and professional development opportunities through the Con’s performance programs.

Anjali Premarathne
Tolley Voice Scholarship


Wolfgang Hummel
Tolley Brass Scholarship


Ari Cosma
Penrith City Council Mayoral Scholarship


Sabrina Nayar
Penrith City Council Regional Talent Scholarship


Elizabeth Drayton
Cybec Foundation Scholarship


Christina Karam
Penrith Conservatorium of Music Scholarship


Hanna Domjan
Kelly Partners +Berger Piepers Emerging Artist Scholarship


We wish our scholarship recipients all the best for the coming year and beyond!

Support Penrith Con Scholarships

To make a tax-deductible donation to our music scholarship program, contact us at conservatorium@penrith.city or donate online.

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